Thursday, March 01, 2007

You know when it's not

One would think that the good things in life would be so much more recognizable and accepted than the bad. If its good, then that's it. It's good. Enjoy it! So why is our first instinct to run away and question it?

Why are good things, I mean really good things, sometimes perceived to be bad?

We've all done it. We've sat down next to a friend, poured our heart out about how great and amazing someone or something is, and then looked them right in the eyes and said "It's sooo bad."

Honestly? What could possibly be so bad about some thing that made you feel so great?

I think people (me included) have a hard time accepting happiness. For some reason, we can't see the good as just being good. It's like we have convinced ourselves we don't deserve it.

We have no problem identifying why it could be potentially wrong. We have all sorts of excuses. "It's bad timing. It's too much. Nothing like this can really last, so why get wrapped up in it. There's GOT to be something wrong with him." Now, seriously, what in the world is wrong with us?

Personally, I think we believe that if we aren't in turmoil there's something wrong. Letting yourself be happy is just as hard as being unhappy. Because when you're unhappy, you're working toward making something better. When you're happy, there's nothing to work toward. The journey is already complete. You're at your final destination, and I think part of you just can't believe you ACTUALLY got there.

I guess in such an overachieving society, where everyone is constantly trying to be bigger, better and more successful than the next person, learning to be happy with what you have might be a stretch. But just think. We could all be much more happy if we just accepted that good things do happen. That maybe they are good for no reason at all except they're just good. And, it's also possible they really won't get much better than that. So what the heck are we running away from?

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