Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A moment of your time

We are a world of jugglers, schedulers and day planners. We jam so much crap into a week, that in the end, we aren't even sure what we did with our week. Before you know it, it's August. The summer is almost gone, and we've spent the last three months moving from event to event to obligation without even thinking about it.

It's scary how fast life can pass even if you swear you're living every minute of it. Even me, in my fleeting 24 years of experience, I look back and wonder what the heck I've been doing all this time. And there's life, just blowing by.

We spend so much time getting ahead and getting by that we don't spend nearly enough time just being... being happy, being sad, being surprised, being frustrated. Sorry time. I have work and happy hour and dinner and the gym and paying bills and running errands and back home to work some more and sleep...just in time to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

It's hard to believe that it's already March. We've started thinking about Christmas card ideas at work. Didn't we just get done with Christmas? I guess that was 3 months ago. Shit...where does time go? Pretty soon well be seeing Christmas decorations up in the mall. That'll be a sad, sad day. ('ll probably only be August. I mean seriously, they hardly have 4th of July decorations up before they rip them down to put up the Christmas decorations. Stupid marketers!)

The hardest thing to do is live in the moment, for the moment. But try. Experience the moment as it comes. Remember it. Feel it. Live it. Don't just schedule it and walk through it. It's a moment you can't get back or do over. It's a moment that will never be duplicated. And then, in that same moment, it'll be gone.

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