Friday, March 16, 2007

Survival of the fittest

I've often heard my father say (usually after he hears of someone doing something incredibly stupid) that there shouldn't be so many rules in this world. If you're too stupid to figure out that you're not supposed to, oh say, drink immediately from your smoldering cup of McDonald's coffee, you deserve to get burned. NOT sue for a million dollars.

Who are we making this world safer for? People who think it’s ok to set the cruise on their Winnebago and then walk to the back and take a nap. Why are we constantly trying to protect non-bright people from themselves?

Back in the day of cavemen, you either learned to run away from the velociraptor, or you got eaten. Your pick. Choose wisely. Adapt or become an appetizer. I realize that cavemen may or may not have been around while dinosaurs roamed the earth but you understand where I'm going with this.

The moral of the story is that our world doesn't force people to adapt – to become smarter. We dumb things down. We default to the lowest common denominator. We rationalize this move by thinking if we service the lowest man on the totem pole; you hit everyone else on the way. The real result? Lots of bored people and one guy that still barely gets it. Well, bravo. Now what did that accomplish?

The hard part is if we don’t take the dumb people into consideration and take steps to protect ourselves FROM them, they are the ones who get third degree burns on their tongue and sue your company for a billion dollars.

“What? They didn’t tell me the coffee was going to be hot?”

The signs are everywhere. I saw one this morning. It said, "The contents in this cup may be hot."

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