Friday, March 02, 2007

Time me

How many times in your life have you heard yourself attribute the "likelihood" of something actually happening to timing? What is that anyway? Timing. It's like we think God is sitting up on a cloud somewhere with an egg timer just messing with us.

Unfortunately, that one little thing can literally obliterate the possibility for something, even anything, to happen. And it can put the kibosh on quite a bit. Or so we think. Besides the obvious – relationships, it could be your career, your family, and hell, even your dentist appointment. But the worst part is...YOU CAN'T CONTROL IT! It is what it is. It's the crossing of stars; it's the aligning of planets. It's the whole Romeo and Juliet of it all. Sometimes it's just plain ole' luck. And you know what I think? I think that sucks. (Does that make me a control freak?)

Well, maybe it does, but seriously, something that is so completely out of your control is infuriating. Lots of people think that "if it was meant to be it will be." "Good things happen to good people," right? So how come good things can't happen at good times? Why does it seem to always happen at the absolute worst time? At a time when it's literally the last thing you can physically handle?

I guess that's why lifes a game, and we're all just a bunch of playas. (Thats right, baby. We're all a little gangster.)

I guess this is more of a rant. (A kind of angry one at that.) Solutions are not foreseen. More rants are appreciated. Silent appreciation for the agony of good vs. bad time is expected.

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