Thursday, March 01, 2007

Don't do this while driving

You're driving along the highway usually, flanked on both sides by semi trucks that think the yellow lines are somewhat of a suggestion rather than actual law that protects little cars like mine from being squished.

Then, it hits you.

Your nose starts to twitch. Your eyes start to water just a little bit. Your breath shortens. And sneeze.

The scariest part about sneezing is you are never sure how big a sneeze it will be. Will be just a little squeaky one barely spiking at all on the internal Richter scale, or will be more of full body convulsion similar to a small seizer? In the latter case, what do you do? Take your hands (heaven forbid) off the steering wheel? Or hold on risking the chance of accidentally jerking your car into the cement bridge barrier fast approaching?

I ponder this every time I sneeze in the car. I haven't discovered a successful solution yet. I haven't crashed either. You win some. You lose some I guess.

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