Thursday, January 15, 2009

it'll all be ok

The following is a reassuring message to everyone who is stressing out about anything.

It will be OK.

Sometimes I need to be reminded that it's OK. Life – is OK. Today – is OK. Tomorrow – yep! Tomorrow will be OK, too.

Maybe today wasn't great. But tomorrow always brings new opportunity. And so what if today wasn't perfect. Perfection is boring and annoying. If things were perfect, what would we talk about or stress about? What would keep us up late worrying? What would we strive for?

No matter how bad things may seem, I promise...we will all be OK.

So breathe. Soften all the muscles in your face. (Weird, I know. Who knew you could hold so much tension there!)

And repeat after me...I will be OK!

1 comment:

Mizohican said...

Hi.. stumbled across your blog while randomly looking for advertising and copywriters. Just wanna say hi, and that you have a nice blog and layout coz I am also one of those who use this same layout and then get criticized by others because it is too "dark"... :-)