Monday, January 05, 2009


When is pain truly pain? Emotions, actions, even words can be considered ouch-worthy. Of course when it hurts, instinct insists we stop whatever is causing the pain. Fight or flight kicks in. Your mind says "that sucked. I don't want to EVER feel that again."

It was too hot, too cold, too hard...wait...too hard? Now is that really pain?

When it's hard, it just means we're not good at it. It's not natural. We haven't accomplished it.

That is good pain. Good pain makes us strong. It puts us in our place. Knocks you down a couple rungs. Brings you back to earth. Gives you something to strive for.

Sometimes getting to a new place in your life causes you pain. Moving into uncharted territory can be hard. No one ever said life was easy. Accomplishing the hard things make life more fulfilling – full of feeling. Sure you can move through life listlessly impartial to the world around you. It may be less painful, but it's also boring. Regardless of your age, you should always strive to have some type of growing pain. No one is ever as big or good or smart as they could be.

My current challenge is a 30 day yoga bender at Southtown Yoga. Talk about hard. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. But also wonderfully fulfilling and incredibly motivating.

If you want to read more about the bender check it out here. It's been 5 days. My body hurts. My head is full of thoughts. And my little heart is filled with pride.

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