Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Leave no trace?

It's easy not to matter. To let someone else do the talking. To stand aside. To get out of the way.

It's simple to sit quietly. To not raise your hand. To have no opinion either way.

Why care? That takes work. Why work? That takes thought. Why think? That takes energy.

Why contribute to life at all?

You got something better to do?

Walking through a forest is the only time that is acceptable, neh expected, to leave no trace. Not life. Not your life.

No one will remember your money. But they will remember how you spent it.

No one will remember what kind of house you live in. But they will remember how you lived.

No one will remember the long hours you works. But they will remember you missed their birthday.

Leave a mark on the world. Not by making more money or getting more things, but by living and loving. By raising beautiful good children. By changing the lives of people.

Leave your mark on the world by living in the world. Not living for it.

1 comment:

Jenny J said...

Thanks! I really needed this blog today, really put it all in perspective.