Monday, October 20, 2008

Let go

We hold on very tightly to things we cherish. People, things, pets, feelings. We believe we're protecting them from harm. Mostly, we're making ourselves feel better by keeping them close. We believe that no one can do better by them. We think no one can care for them more. We cling desperately onto them because we think it makes everything better, ignoring the voice inside that says, let go.

When we let go, we feel like we've lost control. We've given up. We believe we've failed or worse, disappointed. But truthfully, the love you used to hold onto that person or thing or feeling, probably was sucking everything good you ever cherished out of it. It's possible that by letting go and stepping back, you can help it grow again. We're not giving up. We're not loosing. We're helping it grow stronger.

The hardest part about letting go is realizing that holding on was wrong. It wasn't doing anyone any good. It was draining the life and love from both parties. What's that quote? Something like "The harder you squeeze a fist full of sand in your palm the faster is will fall from your hand. If you open your palm and let the sand just lay there, it will stay with you forever." Something like that. Sometimes we need to remember to stop squeezing and just open our hand.


Katie Cernuto said...

This was a GREAT one!

Brigette said...

i like that quote... where is that from?