Monday, December 15, 2008

Forget the feeling

I am a forgetful person. I lost my iPod, my keys and my mind all in the same week. The keys were lost completely. My iPod surfaced a month later. I found it behind a table in my office and no, my office is not that big. And my mind? Well, it's status is constantly up for debate. The point is, I forget and loose a lot of things. Including feelings.

Lately, I have made a concerted effort to remember. Feelings in particular.

I got into the show LOST over the last couple of months. In the first episode, Jack (who is oh so yummy) said something along the lines of, "Let the fear in, but only for 5 seconds. Let yourself be afraid. Let yourself feel the fear. Then suck it up and get what you need to get done." In his case it was sew some chicks spin back together.


But I think this is applicable to real life. It's good to feel things. If you don't let yourself feel, then what are you really? Not only do humans have the ability to feel things, they also have the ability to share feelings through words, and songs and art... It's what separates man from wild.

Of course, we might consider some feelings better off not felt, like disappointment, but feeling that makes us understand beyond a shadow of a doubt that we never ever want to feel that way again.

Remember to feel and remember what the feeling felt like. It'll make you feel alive.

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