Monday, July 07, 2008


Tucker is missing. I feel like part of me has died. I keep trying to make myself believe that he's somewhere in St. Charles, Missouri, flocking in strawberry fields as if it were a psychedelic Beatles song. Does that little dog LOVE to run?

My heart feels as if someone is stepping on it. You underestimate how bad you will feel. You know you'll feel bad, but this feeling is indescribable and horrible. The house is very quiet. It's been quiet for four and a half days now. Every time I turn around something reminds me of him. Like how I could load the dishwasher without having to shove his little face away from licking the dirty dishes. Or how I took off my socks without having to immediately hid them. That goes for my tennis shoes, the TV remote controls to and my cell phone. I think "I'm ok," but then something reminds me of him, and I cry...again.

"He's coming home." This is the message when I open my cell phone. It's my mantra right now. I've thrown it out to the universe so many times, I'm sure God is thinking the same thing as the woman at Animal Control. "Rachael, we know he's missing. We know he's a medium size, beagles/shepherd mixed mutt with an orange collar and white bandanna, last seen at 364 and Jung Station Rd. We're working on it. We'll call you when we know something."

Say a prayer and if you're in Missouri, please forward this on to anyone who might be able to help. I would really appreciate it.


NOTE: He's posted on craigslist and every lost animal site on the internet. We've called animal control, the humane society and all the vets in the area. We've posted over 100 signs and talked to even more people. He's micro chiped, and we've been in touch with Avid the micro chip people. He was wearing a collar that had his name and my phone number on it. If you have other ideas, please post them here. We're open to suggestions.

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