Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I got nothing

I feel like a ton of things are going on in my life right now. It's overwhelming to keep track of at times so yesterday I started making lists. I think I made 10. I had a list for just about everything a list could and should be made for. I felt better after my giant data dump of information. I felt like all those things I was trying to juggle in my head were out, and I stopped stressing trying to remember them all at once.

I heard some where that Albert Einstein didn't know his home phone number. When someone would ask what his number was, he would tell them to go look in the phone book. That's what a phone book was made for. He said he didn't want to waste valuable space on something so trivial. I guess that whole theory of relativity thing was taking up a little bit of space.

When I sat down to write my next entry I really has nothing to say. And I'm pretty sure it's because all my brain power was being monopolized by things like oil changes, dry cleaning and who I needed to buy a wedding present for next. I realized there were all just things – important things – but not worth the brain power it was taking to remember them. So I put them out of my head and put them on a list.

Hopefully, I've dumped enough meaningless data out of my head to think about something a little more worthwhile. Not that the number of vacation days I have left isn't worthwhile. But I'm positive I can use that space for something more valuable.

Spring is a time to clean out the old. Freshen your life. Dust the cobwebs. Organize and revitalize. Don't forget your brain. It might just need good spring cleaning, too.

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