Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Your Person

There's this person. I can pretty much tell them everything. I just can't help it. Sometimes I don't even want to tell them, but I tell them anyways because I can't hide anything from them. But I know I can fearlessly lay it all out there, and know that they will still love me. They won't judge me. They understand how my heart and my mind work. They get me. And in turn, I get them.

As well as my person knows me, I know them that well in return. I would do anything if I knew it could make them smile. I would sit and listen as long as they needed me to. I would do anything for them.

A person like this is special. We have a connection that can't be explained and certainly not understood at times.

They know things. They know when something is wrong without a word spoken. They know when to dig and when to leave it alone.

They know I'm not perfect. No one is. And they love me for my faults and mistakes, as well as my successes and victories.

They are my protection and strength.

Even when I feel like I've rambled on and on about the same problem over and over again, they still listen. They still try to help even though there is no solution.

That's what a person does. They are unconditional. They are irreplaceable.

They are the person who keeps wiping tears away even though they know they are still more coming. They are the person who hugs you because they think you need it, and hugs you even if you don't need it.

They have an open heart and a gentle mind. They have patience lined with tolerance. And though they will not judge, the very thought of them makes me want to be a better person. They know the kind of person you can be. They can see it in you. A person wants to help you not just see it but believe it, too.

They are your shoulder to cry on and a friend to laugh with. You love them for who they are. Because people like that should be cherished and never ever forsaken.

Thank you, my person.

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