Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bring it in. Bring it out.

Sometimes there are people in your life that bring out the best in you. They make you think and inspire you to do things you might not otherwise try. For some reason, conversation comes easily and whatever you talk about seems like the most important topic in the world. Contemplating how grass grows becomes interesting. Suddenly, even the unimportant questions and answers become important.

Sometimes you bring out the best in other people and you don't even know it. Just by being you, you make them come out of their shell and reveal that person they didn't even know was inside them.

By being a good person, you can make others around you better. By opening up, you may find a better person inside than you started with. By refusing to settle for what is in front of you, you can get to a new place, a better place. What is easy is not always what is right.

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