Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Down deep

Do you listen to yourself? Deep down? Do you listen to that little voice that tells you when things are good and right and when things are bad and wrong?

It's hard to believe that intuition is real. You can't pinpoint exact moments and say, "There, intuition told me to do that." You just do it because something very small inside said to.

I used to think that some things were meant to be. Lately, I don't know. Some things are only meant to be, if you mean them to be. If you do something to physically allow them to be. If you wait around for them to magically happen, they aren't going to. And deep down you know what you have to do to make them happen. So why don't I?

Maybe, I just don't want to believe. Maybe it's too hard. Maybe it's just not meant to be. Maybe those are all excuses because I'm scared. Now that I think about it, that seems about right.

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