Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We all hear voices. Whether we chose to listen to them or not. They're there. Call it your subconscious. Call it intuition. Call it delusion. Whatever you chose to call it, we all have that voice.

Mine is usually the voice of reason desperately trying to guide me in the right decision, down the right path. It's usually wiser and more rationale than I am at the moment. It's also way more realistic than I would ever like to admit.

Of course, we don't ask it for its opinion. Sometimes we don't even want to admit we hear it and all its sensible reason. But we do. The harder you try to turn the volume down, the louder it yells.

Most of the time, its got a point. Its pushing to the forefront all the important things you are overlooking or not thinking about (purposely or not). It wants what's best for you. So why...does it suck to listen to it sometimes?

Because it wants you to be the person you are on the inside. The person it sees everyday. The person we are guilty of sometimes hiding. The person that always makes the right decision, who is good to herself and those around her. The person who never is jealous or frustrated or selfish.

That stupid voice is our reminder we can all be better than we are. It's a voice that believes in us no matter what. It's exhausting in its support.

So I say, stop being so damn stubborn. Listen to the voice. Its got things to say. Notice I didn't say its got nothing but good things to say. I don't always like what my little voice has to say but I admit, most of the time, it's right. And usually the outcome is right too. Blasted little voice. You're always right!

Note: I don't really hear voices, per say. At least not in that "I see dead people" kind of way.

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