Thursday, April 24, 2008

Universe, I hear ya

I'm of the belief, given recent events, that the universe speaks to you. It does. At times, what it's trying to say can be hard to pin point. But I believe it tries to tell us things. Maybe it's trying to say we're not alone. Or that you're making a mistake and it's not too late. Maybe it's trying to say, you'll be o.k. And it speaks in a million different ways to different people. It could be a song playing on a radio, the mention of a name, something someone says, a random weird thing you run across that makes you stop. It could be seeing a cardinal at the park, outside your house and again on your way to work. Today, I feel like all those little things are screaming at me.

I've always been a hyper-observant person. I see things all around me that normal people don't notice. Little things. Like the letters on a license plate or the repetition of numbers on a hotel room door (I always seem to run across the number 351. It's weird.) Maybe I'm looking for connections. Maybe they are a little far fetched. But that doesn't mean they are any less there for me. Do you ever feel like that? Like you are constantly being assaulted with signs, and you have no clue what they mean.

Right now, the world is screaming at me, and I am clueless.

A little help here, Universe. I don't quite speak your language.

1 comment:

Brigette said...

oh girl, you speak the language alright :)

just listen a little closer... sometimes it takes more time than we would like. remember that Sarah Bettens' song you liked when we were pulling into the parking garage that day, coming back from MKE?

"It's ok to wonder why, but don't expect to understand your life"

I like that line...

miss you! xoxo