Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The coming

Welcome Tucker. You are now apart of the family. Although you cannot and will not ever take the place of those who have come before you, you are great in and of yourself.

You have spunk. (But really only when you're around people you are completely comfortable with and only between the hours of 5 a.m. and 7a.m. and 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.)

You have an adventurous spirit. (You will go out of your way to sniff anything for as long as it is humanly possible and still not feel it has been thoroughly sniffed. But you will not let anyone walk up to you and pet you without cowering behind the nearest covering. What gives?)

Although most days you are a horrible sissy and giant mamas boy, I'll keep you. The last thing I need when I get home is a little mongrel who thinks he can boss me around.

Last night you actually got your head stuck INSIDE one of your balls. Comedy quickly ensued. Serves you right. Stop chewing holes in your toys, and shit like that won't happen to you anymore.

And yes. He DOES get to come to work, but only after he has been sufficiently exercised in the morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heard Tucker showed White Fury the time of her life. Good boy Tucker, good boy.