Thursday, August 23, 2007

You are an adult

I'm 25 years old. I am an adult. I am completely able to make my own decisions, pay my own bills, feed myself, live my life day to day.

But even adults need to feel supported. Not with money or things, but with love. Love from family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends. Needing people in your life doesn't make you less of an adult.

It means you're human.

It means you have needs that another person can help fill. May it be with a hug, an email, a smile, a long sit down, a short cup of coffee. Just because you need something, doesn't mean you're not an adult.

Adults need things that they can only get from other people. No one can do everything, deal with everything, handle everything alone. All of a sudden you don't reach a certain age and PRESTO, you never need anything any more.

Usually, all you're asking for is to be heard and understood. You just need to talk it out without feeling the pressure of being judged or measured. You want to know that someone unconditionally loves you and is willing to listen without prejudiced.

Being an adult doesn't mean you stop needing. It doesn't mean standing alone. It doesn't mean acting in spite. It should mean coming together. Enjoying the here and now and everything wonderful and exciting that comes your way. It should mean living by your instincts and supporting the ones around you who follow theirs. Because, time passes too quickly. And in that short amount of time all you have time to do is follow your heart, and hope that those around you will support, understand and love you like you do them.

I am that kind of adult.

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