Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I've noticed that the ads that appear on my page try to tailor themselves according to the content on my page. I mentioned the word cancer and greeting cards a couple of posts ago and all of a sudden I think my blog thinks I'm dying. So in an effort to have some more relevant and happy ads pop up on my page, I thought I would use this blog to pepper in some more interesting words like – Eiffel Tower, Venice, Italy, the W Hotel. Can you tell where my mind is?

I get in these moods sometimes where I just want to get away. I want to move. I want something new. I want something different. Although, I love stability and the comfort that it brings me, part of me always wants to be going or doing something else. Strangely enough, the other half of me sometimes wants to stay at home and read a book beginning to end without stopping to eat or sleep, or watch 5 girlie movies in a row. I'm sort of a freak like that (hmmmm...I wonder what sort of ad that will make pop up on my page?) It doesn't mean I'm unhappy. I'm not sure what it means. I've always sort of been that way, and I will probably always be that way.

So until I get over this overwhelming feeling to get in my car and drive somewhere (that happens every once in a while too). I'll just keep throwing words out there like Upstream Brewery (it's in Omaha and it's a great little place), KENO, Las Vegas....take that adsense.

I've got an opinion, too

Gus is obviously disgusted with the whole thing.

Just because I work at an advertising agency shouldn't mean my opinion doesn't matter. I'm not tainted goods. I'm not part of this estranged society that is incapable of presenting a rational and honest opinion. I can be unbias. I can be a nuetral third party participant. I shop at Target just like everyone else, damnit.

What? If you work in advertising you have some sort of special skill or insight that doesn't make me a consumer like everyone else? Does everyone else who works in advertising shop at a special advertising only store? Can someone send me the location. I'm out of deodorant.

Maybe it's the words like strategy, objective or creative magnifier that disqualify me. For the record, I don't even like those words.

"Where is all this coming?" from you ask. Occasionally, I get these emails from a research/focus group company in St. Louis. I finally qualified for one. Usually they are rather obscure and incredible specific (like you just gave birth to a baby no more than 6 weeks ago by c-section and they are allergic to soy). Whatever. This one was about dog food. I have a dog! He eats this certain food! Jackpot!

I filled out the survey. Got on the phone for a screening and was cut after the first question because I work for an advertising agency that has nothing to do with the subject matter in question. This wasn't even about me. It was about my dog. I'm pretty sure he hasn't be corrupted by my evil advertising powers. Still, no dice.

FINE! See if I care. Gus and I will go share our opinions with someone who actually cares. I'm not sure who that is, but I'm sure they're someone out there who appreciates why I chose Science Diet over Iam.