Monday, June 16, 2008

The ongoing list of uncompromisables...

Uncompromisable #2:

PATIENCE: No one is perfect. No one has everything figured out. If you do, well good for you. You're a freak. Because no one truly has everything worked out. If they tell you do, they are liars. If you can accept that about people, then you are willing to allow people the chance to learn, to grow and to ultimately be a better person. It takes time. Everything takes longer than expected. But in the end, it takes a while to really get to know someone, to really learn something inside and out. The uncompromisable part is having patience. Because the best things in life are worth waiting for.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Small in size, not in strength

It is without a doubt the little things that matter most.

It's not the grand departure that people remember. It's the personal goodbye that's truly special.

It's not the dozen roses on Valentine's Day sitting on your desk at work for the world to see. It's the single flower and kind words that really set a heart on fire.

It's not spectacular. It's special.

It's not out loud. It's softly in your ear.

If you take a step back and examine what really matters, what really mattered, what you crave deep down for, it's something very little. Turns out, we don't need grand gestures. We need intimate ones. We need moments that make us feel like someone out there gets us.

A gentle hand on the face or that little sigh right before you fall asleep say "I love you" more deeply than any piece of jewelry or big fancy date.

To make a difference in someone's life, you don't need to spend a lot of money. You don't need to shout from the rooftops. You need to invest time in them. Pay attention. Learn about them. Because it's the little things that make a difference. It's the little things that make you feel like maybe there is someone out there made just for you.

A sliver of wisdom

"I truly believe that we, as human beings, only get so many chances at something special."

An incredibly brilliant person said that to me once. I will take that piece of advice with me always. Maybe we all should.