Friday, April 13, 2007

Sometimes my friend

Sometimes you need a friend who doesn't talk. Who just listens and understands. Who doesn't judge or solve. Who just lets you be whatever it is you need to be at that moment.

Sometimes you need a friend who says stop, look, feel. Someone who brings everything back to even. Who doesn't let you be too high or too low. Who reminds you it's ok to just be you because thats who you are.

Sometimes you need a friend who is loud. Who drowns out the noise. Makes you forget the bad. Who helps direct your attention to the world, instead of to your own thoughts and feelings.

Sometimes you need a friend who sees the good no matter how bad. Who finds joy in life regardless of the pain they have personally experienced. Who has a heart of gold and makes you a better person just by being around them.

But through all these times where we need our friends to be these "things" for us, remember that BEING a friend walks hand in hand with NEEDING a friend. It's not a free privilege. But restotution is easy to solve. The price of a friendship is just that, a friendship. A piece of your heart, a moment of your time, a good thought and a smile.

I strive to be as good a friend as my friends have been to me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The great ker-pow

It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced some form of a great KER-POW, but it's real. Promise.

A great KER-POW is magic. As insane as it may sound, as ridiculous as it may feel, as utterly ungraspable as it may be, the KER-POW is the physical manifestation of something that is truly meant to be. And not in the "this is good enough for right now" way. It happens in the "wake up stupid, because I'm IT" way. And when it happens, it knocks you on your butt.

It's a boom. A connection that's immediate, unexplainable, yet equally undeniable. It's faith and trust without reason. It's knowing there's the same amount of faith and trust radiating back to you. You look forward to tomorrow and next week and next year because (as insane as it sounds) you know that those days will come and be as wonderful as the moment in front of you. Why? I don't know. You just do. If you can find the words to explain it, you haven't truly felt a great KER-POW. It's a feeling of being "without end." It's incomprehensible. And yes, it is crazy.

A great KER-POW produces hidden energy and breathes life into everything around you. It's like being smacked awake or being splashed in the face with ice-cold water. Everything is crisp. Alive. A feeling that makes you feel like exploding.

Overload. Everyday. The good kind.

A great KER-POW doesn't happen often. Why? We’re fearful little creatures motivated by the fear of being alone or making a mistake. It holds people captive and engaged in relationships that aren't good enough. We desperately hold ourselves there. We won't even let ourselves step back long enough to realize what's in front of us isn't a KER-POW. It isn't even a pop. It might even be less potent than a wet sparkler. It's dull - lifeless - suffocating.

Hold out for the great KER-POW. It's worth it.

UPDATE: I've now officially seen it happen to the biggest skeptic. She just got knocked on her butt, and we can't get that goofy grin to go away. Please advise.